SweetAgility Schedule

Functional Integration® — individual customized Feldenkrais sessions to improve your ability, diminish pain, and restore function.

By appointment at my Palo Alto office, 2251 High Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301* / 650-796-4847
*Presently booking a limited number of face to face appointments

FELDENKRAIS® Awareness Through Movement — group class

Friday 10:00 – 11:15 a.m. online
Mt. View Community & Senior Center
Open to all adults – discount for those over 55
266 Escuela Ave, Mountain View, 94040
Register directly with me, for Fall 2021 ONLINE class, now:
Oct 8 – Dec 10 (9 weeks) $10 – $18 per class: Pay what you can; Start when you can.
Check, Charge, PayPal. Call: 650-796-4847 for registration details.

Sit and Stand Comfortably at Your Computer Station

Description: Regardless of good ergonomics, many people continue to suffer from pain and discomfort at work. In this customized session at your workstation, you will learn to apply proper body mechanics to alleviate pain and improve skeletal support and awareness. I will help you adopt healthier movement habits for common work place actions, to take the strain out of working at your computer.

Open to the public: Stanford University Health Improvement Program
September 30, 2021, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m., online
STAP funds apply for Stanford employees:

Repetitive Strain Injury — FELDENKRAIS, an Antidote to RSI, Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain

This material is available as a private Functional Integration session at my office, or as an Awareness Through Movement class. Schedule permitting, I will create an in-service workshop or class for a group of ten or more people, at your location. Call for details.
Description: Improve your ability to sense and change poor body organization that contributes to repetitive strain injuries, stiffness and pain. If you have chronic discomfort, this information can help you intervene so your body can heal. If you experience intermittent tension, or pain which comes and goes, start now to prevent injury and feel better fast. Using the Feldenkrais Method, you will learn healthier movement patterns that decrease excessive effort associated with strain. Improve your self-awareness, and learn to make adjustments in your actions that both heal and prevent unhealthy tension patterns from progressing into a chronic injury.
Previously offered as Feld-01 at Stanford University, Health Improvement Program, for Stanford employees.

FELDENKRAIS Awareness Through Movement — group class

Times vary by semester: Typically Wednesday and/or Thursday*
*This class is not scheduled for Fall 2021
City College of San Francisco,,
Department of PE and Dance
PE 222, Introduction to Feldenkrais ( This class is not offered in 2021. )
DANC 37, Feldenkrais for Dance
PE 223a, b, c, Feldenkrais Levels 1, 2, 3 ( This class is not offered in 2021. )
Register by the term – Apply to the college first

Back Fitness, PE 224

Material from this college class is adaptable as private coaching at my office, in combination with Feldenkrais sessions.
Description: Stop straining from core training. Many people with back and neck issues find that core strength training aggravates their condition. This class offers a body friendly combination of traditional conditioning with somatic tension-busting secrets that will leave you feeling strong, collected, expansive and free. Beyond a set of rote exercises, you will learn intelligent movement and effective nonmedical strategies to alleviate back pain.
*Offered as PE 224, a one-credit activity class, Department of PE and Dance
City College of San Francisco,,
This class is not scheduled for Fall 2021.

Healthy Back Strong Abdominals

Material from this class is adaptable as an in-service workshop at your site, for a group of ten or more people using the available equipment at your location. Also offered as private coaching at my office, in the context of improving your ability to function effectively with less pain.
Description: Develop and maintain a strong mid-section and a healthy back. Each class combines focused strengthening exercises and releasing techniques, using floor work and props such as: rollers, Thera-bands, and stability balls (select equipment as available).
Previously offered as Hbsa-01 at Stanford University, for Stanford employees.

Specialty FELDENKRAIS Sessions


– Calm your body; Quiet your mind. This powerful system is developed, in part, from select aspects of the Feldenkrais Method. Learn profound secrets to getting a good night’s sleep. I am a Senior Teacher of this system, having studied directly with founder and creator, Michael Krugman.


– Promote healthy bone density and improve upright alignment for safer, more enjoyable, weight bearing activities. I am a BONES FOR LIFE Trainer, having studied directly with Ruthy Alon —one of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais’ original 13 students — and the founder and creator of BONES FOR LIFE.